Iona Physics Assignments


  1. Flatland
  2. Reaction Time
  3. Driver Education 1
  4. Driver Education 2
  5. Newton and Seatbelts
  6. Ballistics Cart
  7. Static Friction
  8. Momentum and Energy
  9. Nude Numbers
  10. Newton's Cannon
  11. Introduction to Waves
  12. Wave Types
  13. Beats
  14. Audio Oscillator - Oscilloscope Assignment
  15. Sine wave generator and oscilloscope
  16. Doppler Effect
  17. Concave Mirror
  18. Mirror to play with | Intro Concave Mirror
  19. Refraction Assignment
  20. Refraction from PhET
  21. Refraction
  22. Total Internal Reflection
  23. Convex Lens
  24. Lens to play with
  25. Interference
  26. Electrostatics - -The simulation
  27. Ohm's Law
  28. Circuit Lab (PhET)
  29. Radio Waves
  30. Dispersion
  31. Diffraction-Interference
  32. What Happened?
  33. Half-Life

Reading / Reacting Assignments

Laptop use in class

Texting while driving

Texting while walking

Teen Driver

Basic Research

Engineering Disaster

HIV Predictor

Killer Robots

Personal Computer Revolution

Self Driving Cars

Sound to Meaning


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