Iona Prep Robotics Policies


VERY IMPORTANT NOTE ON ABSENCES: If you are absent from class for any reason at all (sick, on retreat, on Public Relations visit, stuck in traffic for 6 hours, visiting your father in jail, etc.) you are still responsible for the material which is covered in class that day. You should contact a friend to find out what material was covered in order to be prepared to rejoin the class. That way you will also be prepared in the event of a quiz. Record a few classmates' phone numbers in your notebook for reference. If you have no friends, contact me by e-mail. (I don't have friends either.) If you are absent for an extended period of time you should contact me by email or telephone. I will provide extra help in order to enable you to keep up with the class. This is your responsibility.


For the purposes of this policy, “the period” begins the moment you enter the room and ends the moment you leave the room.

You will not use your cell phone during the period for any reason whatsoever (including 'checking the time') without explicit permission.
When you are using your computer during the period it must be for course work. You will not visit any website which is not directly related to the course. You will not be doing any work which is not directly related to the course. The teacher is the judge of what is and what is not directly related to the course.

Any violation of this policy may subject you to disciplinary action and/or may have a negative effect on your grade.

Your grade in this course will be made up of several components:
Quizzes Lab Reports Participation
Written homework Exams Adjustments
  1. Quizzes you will be warned before a quiz is given. Nevertheless, you should keep up with the course every day. Do not wait until the last minute to prepare for a quiz.
  2. Do not be absent when a quiz is given. Make-up quizzes are given on Saturday and are usually more difficult than the original.
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  3. A participation grade may be assigned at the end of the marking period. It will count as a quiz grade. The participation grade will be the teacher's evaluation of the extent to which you have come prepared for class, cooperated in class activities, completed your homework, performed during laboratory periods, and similar considerations.
  4. As part of your class participation you should come prepared for class every day. That means you should have the following items every day: [Return to top of Policy page. ] [ Go to the Contents page. ]
  5. Written homework, when collected or checked, may be counted either as a quiz grade or as part of your participation grade. If not handed in when collected, a grade of zero will be assigned. Late homework will never be accepted. See the GRADING page for information on how problems will be graded.
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  6. There will be adequate warning before any examinations which will count more heavily in the average than any single quiz. Relative percentages will be determined and announced by the instructor.
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  7. Adjustments: You should attempt to earn good grades by paying attention in class, participating, and completing assignments and projects. If you come unprepared for class (no computer, no paper or pencil, etc) you will probably lose points. The science department has a policy of 'no extra credit'. If you are making a good effort, are completing your assignments, and preparing for tests, your grade probably reflect your progress...which is what grades should do.
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  8. As the year progresses there will be fewer quizzes and more grades assigned to performance in the lab. The final exam of the year is likely to be a performance exam during class time.

Last Update: by Br. Robert W. Harris

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